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  • Writer's pictureVirginia Herbers

We are not OK.

If you are hoping to get a feel-good, pat-on-the-back blog entry, today is not your day. It does not take a genius or a seer to notice that our world has become more dangerous, more angry, more divided. But have we become less desirous of peace? of unity? of joy? Honestly, I don't think it's humanly possible to not desire these things--I don't think healthy human nature wants war, seeks division, revels in pain. Are there individuals who seem to be doing just that? Yes, there are...and I wonder how truly healthy they are, how truly whole they are as human persons.

We are not ok. Not at all ok. When a chip malfunction at the grocery store sends a customer over the edge (I just witnessed this first-hand), when violent crime and mental health crises are at all-time highs, when world leaders justify crimes against humanity, and when seemingly every current event becomes politicized for--whose gain? We are not ok.

If you are anything like me, the emotions surrounding these various things are multiple: anger, helplessness, fear, disgust, frustration. What are we to do? I refuse to believe that prayer is naive or cowardly. I refuse to remain silent when the issues arise. I refuse to give in to the anger, the fear, or the sense of futility.

So what is left?

Lent arrives this coming week. And boy oh boy do we need the reminder that "we are dust and to dust we shall return." Hopefully later rather than sooner, but nonetheless, the inevitability of the return is a good reminder. We need a Savior. We need a Redeemer. We need you, God our help. Come swiftly to our aid. And use us as your instruments of peace. Your instruments of hope and light and faith.

Today. Yes, Lord. Today--here in my country, here in my grocery store, here in my family--here.

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